quinta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2006

Não pude resistir

The poetry of Ewan Mcteagle:

If you could see your way to lending me sixpence.
I could at least buy a newspaper.
That's not much to ask anyone.

To Ma Own beloved Lassie.
A poem on her 17th Birthday.
Lend us a couple of bob till Thursday.
I'm absolutely skint.
But I'm expecting a postal orderand
I can pay you back as soon as it comes.
Love Ewan

Can I have fifty pounds to mend the shed?
I'm right on my uppers.
I can pay you back
When this postal order comes from Australia.
Honestly.Hope the bladder trouble's geting better.
Love, Ewan

Oh gie me a shillin' for some fagsand
I'll pay yer back on Thursday, but if you wait till Saturday
I'm expecting a divvy from the Harpenden Building Society

What's twenty quid to the bloody Midland Bank?

"esquete do Monty Phyton do documentário sobre o poeta escocês McTeagle, basicamente a correspondência de um fudido que fica pedindo dinheiro emprestado analisada como se fosse uma puta obra literária... "

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